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How To Track Location of Someone’s Twitter Account in 2024

Twitter is one of the leading microblogging platforms that connect close friends, famous personalities, politicians, business people and everyone in between.

Due to the platform’s popularity, companies and public relations personalities embrace Twitter as a marketing tool to boost brand awareness. Through tweets, you can reach millions of active users. But have you ever wondered how you could track someone’s Twitter account location? We did our research and came up with the following findings….

Twitter’s popularity has attracted scammers who may be masquerading as top brand ambassadors or senior government officials. For this reason, you may want to tread very carefully on this platform because what you read about someone on Twitter might not necessarily be an accurate representation of who they are. Here we will teach you how to track someone’s Twitter account location using the platform’s geolocation feature. Read on for the details.

1. By the Geolocation feature

As aforementioned, Twitter comes with a built-in geolocation tool that makes for easy checking of a user’s approximate location on the planet. Here is how you can access and use this feature:

Step 1: On your device, launch the Twitter application and log into your account.

Twitter application and log into your account

Step 2: Click on the Magnifying Glass icon.

Step 3: Enter the Username of the user you intend to acknowledge their geolocation and then Search.

Step 4: Click on the user's profile to open it.

Step 5: On the Tweets section, you will see the user’s tweets.

On the Tweets section

Step 6: Click on a Tweet to open it. If the user has their geolocation feature enabled, besides the tweet’s timeline and date, you will see their location details.

Click on a Tweet to open

2. By the Twitter Tracker by iStaunch

iStaunch on iPhone and Android devices

Besides the in-built geolocation feature, you can also make use of third party tools to find someone’s Twitter account location. One good example of such a tool is iStaunch. Here is how to go about using the tool:

Step 1: On your device, launch the Twitter Location Tracker by iStaunch.

Step 2: In the given box, enter the user’s Username.

Step 3: Tap on the Track Twitter Account.

Step 4: Wait as the user’s Twitter Account Locations are displayed on Google Maps.

3. By the Twitter IP Address Finder by iStaunch on iPhone and Android devices.

iStaunch on iPhone and Android devices

Follow these steps to find someone’s Twitter account location via Twitter IP address finder. Here is how the software app by iStaunch works on mobile:

Step 1: On your device, open the Twitter IP Address Finder by iStaunch.

Step 2: In the given box, enter the user’s Username.

Step 3: Solve the captcha code.

Step 4: Tap on the IP Address button. “Here you will find Twitter’s Account IP address”.

Step 5: On IP Address Tracker submit the IP address to track the location.

4. By the PeopleLooker Tool

This is a six-in-one tool you can use for free. It creates an in-depth background report that consists of location, phone number, IP address and other personal details. This is how to go about it:

Step 1: Launch the tool by visiting the website

Step 2: Scroll down and click on the Username Search. website

Step 3: On the next page that appears, enter the username of the person whose location you intend to search.

Step 4: Click on the red Search

Click on the red Search button

Step 5: Wait a moment for the tool to display the user's account IP address and location.

5. By the Grabify IP Logger tool

The Grabify tool helps you shorten the user's tweet or post link. All you need is to trick the user to click on the URL acquired from the tool. Let's go about it:

Step 1: On your device, launch and login into the Twitter account.

Step 2: Find the profile whose location you want to track and Copy the link to one of their posts or tweets.

Copy the link to one of their posts or tweets

Step 3: Go to the Grabify IP Logger tool to generate a tracking link.

Step 4: On the white input box, paste the link and click on Create URL to shorten it.

Grabify IP Logger tool to generate a tracking link

Step 5: Agree to the terms and conditions of the tool.

Step 6: The Grabify IP Logger tool will provide you with a new shortened link and a tracking code. (Remember to note down the tracking code as you will need it later).

New shortened link and a tracking code

Step 7: On your clipboard, copy the newly acquired URL.

Step 8: Head back to Twitter, start a conversation with the user and send the link. (Ask them to open it for some engaging content).

Step 9: After the user clicks on the link, the Logger website will track their IP address and location and then redirect to the original tweet.

Step 10: Launch the Grabify IP Logger tool and on the input box, enter the Tracking code.

Step 11: Click on the Tracking code, here you will be directed to the results page, where you will access the user's location and IP address.

Click on the Tracking code

Wrap up

This article has provided you will all possible methods and steps of how to track someone’s Twitter account location. In case the user has not enabled his or her Twitter geolocation feature, consider using third-party tools. That said, we come to the end of this post.