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15 Best Rotating Proxies for Web Scraping (2024)

Are you looking for the best proxies for automated web data extraction? Then you are on the right page as the article below will provide you with recommendations on the best rotating proxies for web scraping.

Overview of Best Rotating Proxies for Web Scraping

  • Bright Data: 72+ Million IPs in Pool – <Starts from $15 for 1GB> – Overall Best Rotating Proxies for Web Scraping
  • Smartproxy: 56+ Million IPs in Pool – <Starts from $12.5 for 1GB> – Fastest Rotating Proxies for Web Scraping
  • Shifter: 31+ Million IPs in Pool – <Starts from $249.99 for 10 ports| $25 per port> – Unlimited Bandwidth Support
  • Rayobyte: 10+ million IPs in Pool – <Starts from $15 monthly for 1GB> – Premium Residents Proxies
  • Hydraproxy: 10+ million IPs in Pool – <Starts from $60 monthly for 4GB> – Support Proxy List Generation

Best Rotating Proxies for Web Scraping

Web scraping involves sending multiple requests to web servers requesting for their pages with data of interest to be extracted. For the most part, too many requests are sent too quickly that they are easy to identify and block. The fix around this is making use of proxies.

But just using a proxy is not enough, you will need plenty of them so that too many requests are not sent out from a single IP address as that would lead to blocking too. You could buy a bunch of them and rotate them on your own or purchase rotating proxies instead.

In our case, we go with the rotating proxy option. Rotating proxies that change an IP address automatically is the best for web scraping as the chances of you getting blocked because of exceeding the request limit is slim. The providers carry out the IP rotation efficiently provided you choose a good provider.

In this article, we’ll recommend some of the top best rotating proxies for web scraping in the market.

1. Bright Data — Overall Best Rotating Proxies for Web Scraping

Bright Data Homepage Review

  • IP Pool Size: Over 72 million IPs
  • Locations: All countries and major cities around the world
  • Concurrency Allowed: Unlimited
  • Bandwidth Allowed: Starts from 1GB
  • Cost: Starts from $15 monthly for 1GB

Bright Data, formerly known as the Luminati Networks is the best provider of rotating proxies for web scraping. Its residential proxy network is based on a pool of over 72 million IP addresses. As a user, you’re given access to the whole pool and charged based on bandwidth usage. The IP rotation system of Bright Data is the most advanced, allowing the change of IP after every request.

It also does offer session ports that change IP after a specified period of time. This service has got support for all countries and most cities around the world allowing you to choose IPs from specific cities. The proxies it offers are fast, reliable, and secure. The major problem with this provider is that you must go through a KYC procedure to use their network.

2. Smartproxy — Fastest Proxies for Web Scraping

Smartproxy Homepage Review

  • IP Pool Size: Over 56 million IPs
  • Locations: 195 countries
  • Concurrency Allowed: Unlimited
  • Bandwidth Allowed: Starts from 1GB
  • Cost: Starts from $12.5 monthly for 1GB

The Smartproxy service is another provider of choice for high-quality rotating proxies for web scraping. Just like Bright Data, it offers high rotating proxies that change IP after every request. It also does have support for session proxies that maintain the same IP for up to 30 minutes. It does have support for 196 countries.

The major strength of this service is its speed in terms of response time which makes it one of the fastest. It has got over 56 million IPs in its pool and is priced based on bandwidth with support for a Pay-As-You-Go option. This provider is one of the providers that provide support for proxy list generation which makes it perfect for use cases that require individual proxy endpoints.

3. Soax — Clean Proxy Pool

Soax Homepage Review

  • IP Pool Size: Over 5 million IPs
  • Locations: Over 100 countries
  • Concurrency Allowed: Unlimited
  • Bandwidth Allowed: Starts from 8GB
  • Cost: Starts from $99 monthly for 8GB

Soax is a new provider compared to most of the providers mentioned in this article. However, it has surprisingly been able to grow fast into becoming one of the formidable forces in the market. This service offers a residential proxy network that offers rotating proxies for web scraping.

Its proxy pool is constantly being monitored for bad IPs to be removed, which makes it own one of the cleanest pools in the market. Its pool is small compared to Bright Data and Smartproxy.

However, it is big enough for many use cases. The number of IPs in its pool is over 5 million. And the IPs are sourced from over 100 countries across the globe. Pricing for this service starts from $99 and that gives you 8GB and 300 ports.

4. Rayobyte — US-based Provider

Rayobyte Homepage

  • IP Pool Size: Over 10 million
  • Locations: Many countries supported
  • Concurrency Allowed: Unlimited
  • Bandwidth Allowed: Starts from 1GB
  • Cost: Starts from $15 monthly for 1GB

If you’re the type that looks for US-based providers, then Rayobyte is a good option. This provider has been in the market for long as Blazing SEO LLC before rebranding to Rayobyte in 2022. It is an ethical provider that sources the IPs it uses legally and conforms to local laws.

It currently has over 10 million IPs sourced from locations across the globe. It does have support for geolocation targeting, and automatic IP rotation. You either choose their random IP rotation option or sticky port option.

Pricing is also affordable as you can go for their packages or the Pay-As-You-Go option. The setup procedure is simple and straightforward, they have a free trial option for intending customers to try out their service.

5. Shifter — Unlimited Bandwidth Proxies

Shifter Homepage

  • IP Pool Size: Over 31 million IPs
  • Locations: All countries supported
  • Concurrency Allowed: Unlimited
  • Bandwidth Allowed: Unlimited
  • Cost: Starts from $249.99 monthly for 10 special ports

If you take a look at the proxies described above, you’ll see that all of them come with limited bandwidth. If you need an option that you can enjoy unlimited bandwidth, then Shifter is the provider for you. It is a backconnect proxy network with rotating proxies for web scraping. Unlike the others, you do not get high rotating proxies. The IP rotation is time-based.

This service owns one of the largest proxy pools with over 31 million IP addresses. It has also got good location support too. It is important you know that Shifter does not support Amazon scraping by default. If you want to scrape Amazon, you’ll need to contact their support to activate it for you.

6. Stormproxies — Cheap Unlimited Bandwidth Proxies

Stormproxies Residential Proxy overview

  • IP Pool Size: About 70K IPs
  • Locations: US and EU only
  • Concurrency Allowed: Unlimited
  • Bandwidth Allowed: Unlimited
  • Cost: Starts from $50 monthly for 5 ports

Stormproxies is one of the oldest proxy providers. It does have a residential rotating proxy network that you can use for web scraping. The IP rotation for this is time-based (3 or 15 minutes). This service just like Shifter allows you to enjoy unlimited bandwidth.

However, unlike Shifter, it has a small pool and small location coverage. Stormproxies support a little over 70 IPs and to make things worse, the location supported is just the US and EU. The small pool makes IP rotation less efficient and if you’ll be doing web scraping on a large scale, it is not the best for you.

Small users can use it because of its affordability. Another problem you’ll have to deal with is that it does not have support for username and password authentication. It supports only IP authentication and only one IP can be whitelisted at a time.

7. Proxy-Cheap — Cheap Residential Proxies for Scraping

Proxy cheap Homepage

  • IP Pool Size: Over 7 million IPs
  • Locations: Over 127 countries
  • Concurrency Allowed: Unlimited
  • Bandwidth Allowed: Starts from 1GB
  • Cost: Starts from $4.99 monthly for 1GB

From the name of this provider, you can tell that it is cheap. But how cheap is it and what makes it perfect for web scraping? Proxy-Cheap is a residential proxy network with over 6.9 million IP addresses in it. It offer starts from $5 for 1GB with the price per GB becoming cheaper as you pay for more bandwidth.

This service has got support for 127+ countries across the globe. This makes it possible for it to support geo-location targeting for localized data collection. One thing you’ll come to like about this service is that even though it is cheap, it is quite undetectable. Proxy-Cheap offers both rotating and sticky proxies with support for up to 30 minutes sessions.

8. Hydraproxy — Unlimited Endpoint Generator

HydraProxy Homepage Review

  • IP Pool Size: Over 5 million IPs
  • Locations: Over 100 countries
  • Concurrency Allowed: Unlimited
  • Bandwidth Allowed: Starts from 1GB
  • Cost: Starts from $5 monthly for 1GB

Hydraproxy is another cheap residential proxy network for web scraping. The proxies it offers are rotating proxies and you have a pool of 5 million residential IPs of real Internet users to use from. The number of countries you can choose IPs from is over 100 including popular countries.

One thing you’ll come to like about Hydraproxy is its support for proxy list generation, which provides you with as many proxy endpoints as you want. Each endpoint will have its own IP and is subject to the same IP rotation rules. Pricing is based on bandwidth and can be said to be in the same price range as Proxy-Cheap.

9. IPRoyal — Cheapest Residential Proxies

IPRoyal Homepage

  • IP Pool Size: Over 2 million IPs
  • Locations: Over 180 countries
  • Concurrency Allowed: Unlimited
  • Bandwidth Allowed: Starts from 1GB
  • Cost: Starts from $3 monthly for 1GB

IPRoyal might not be popular compared to the other providers mentioned above. However, they are some of the best proxies in the market. The service has got over 2 million residential IPs in it. The network offers only rotating proxies which are perfect for web scraping. They are undetectable to the most popular websites and are fast enough not to waste your time.

You can also get sticky ports for maintaining sessions from this proxy service. This network owns a service known as the IPRoyal Pawns where you can join their P2P network and share from the profit made from using your device as a proxy endpoint. In terms of pricing, IPRoyal can be seen as cheaper as you can get 1GB for $3.

10. Oxylabs — Largest Proxy Network

Oxylabs Homepage

  • IP Pool Size: Over 102 million
  • Locations: All countries supported
  • Concurrency Allowed: Unlimited
  • Bandwidth Allowed: Starts from 1GB
  • Cost: Starts from $15 monthly for 1GB

Oxylabs is in the league of Bright Data as it is one of the top premium proxy services with proxies in all of the proxy categories. Oxylabs has the largest residential proxy pool in the market with over 100 million IPs. From the test carried out, it also offers the most unique IPs in web scraping because of its large proxy pool.

It has got support for detailed geotargeting thanks to its support for IPs from all regions of the world. This provider gives you control of IP rotation and you can set the rotation to be random. It does have support for subusers and you can even whitelist up to 10 IP addresses for IP authentication.

In all, Oxylabs is actually one of the best proxy networks for web scraping.

11. IPBurger — Premium Residential Proxies for Web Scraping

IPBurger Homepage

  • IP Pool Size: Over 75  million IPs
  • Locations: Over 195 countries
  • Concurrency Allowed: Unlimited
  • Bandwidth Allowed: Starts from 5GB
  • Cost: Starts from $69 monthly for 5GB

IPBurger is another provider with a large residential proxy pool perfect for web scraping. The proxies it offers are rotating proxies. This service has got over 75 million IP addresses in its pool. In terms of location support, IPBurger does support all countries with over 2100 cities around the world. This makes it perfect for scraping localized data from websites such as Google Search.

You can use their proxies to unblock all kinds of websites as their proxies are undetectable. You can choose between using their high rotating proxies or sticky ports to maintain session.

It has got a smart routing feature that quickly rotates away from slow proxy connections to faster ones. Unlimited concurrent connections are allowed and you get detailed reports in your dashboard.

12. Froxy — Good for Web Scraping

Froxy Homepage Review

  • IP Pool Size: Over 8 million IPs
  • Locations: Over 180 countries
  • Concurrency Allowed: Unlimited
  • Bandwidth Allowed: Starts from 5GB
  • Cost: Starts from $60 monthly for 5GB

Froxy is a residential proxy service that offers rotating proxies. The network has got over 8 million IP addresses in its pool which you can use for web scraping. It rotating proxies can change IP after every request or a specific period of time. Froxy has got support for most countries around the world. With this, you can use the geotargeting option.

As with the others above, the IP addresses are not distinguishable since they are real from devices of regular Internet users. In terms of pricing, Froxy is priced based on bandwidth usage.

Currently, it does not have support for the Pay-As-You-Go option and as such, you’ll have to spend a minimum of $60 to make use of their service.

13. ProxyEmpire — Good for Use with Antidetect Browsers

ProxyEmpire Homepage

  • IP Pool Size: Over 3  million IPs
  • Locations: Over 150 countries
  • Concurrency Allowed: Unlimited
  • Bandwidth Allowed: Starts from 3GB
  • Cost: Starts from $45 monthly for 3GB

If you need to use proxies together with an antidetect browser then ProxyEmpire is here for you. This provider has got over 5 million IP addresses in its residential proxy pool through which you can access the Internet anonymously.

One feature you’ll come to like about ProxyEmpire especially if you’re not a heavy user is the ability to roll over unused bandwidth when you resubscribe — a feature not supported by many residential providers.

The service is quite reliable at being undetectable. It is fast enough for many use cases. Users of this service use them for web scraping, SEO, sneaker copping, and ticket scalping, among others.

14. Geosurf — Good for Web Crawling

Geosurf Homepage

  • IP Pool Size: Over 3 million IPs
  • Locations: Over 100 countries
  • Concurrency Allowed: Unlimited
  • Bandwidth Allowed: Starts from 20GB
  • Cost: Starts from $300 monthly for 20GB

Geosurf is actually one of the oldest rotating proxy networks in the market right now. It does have IPs from over 1700 cities around the world with most countries supported. As with the other mentioned above, it provides support for geotargeting, a feature that allows users to choose IPs from specific locations. This makes it possible for you to access location web data from locations you are not present.

The number of IPs in their pool is over 3 million and you can use their proxies for a good number of use cases including web scraping and crawling. While their proxies work, they are not cheap when compared to the other providers on the list. And for now, they do not offer the more affordable Pay-As-You-Go option.


Q. What are Rotating Proxies?

Rotating proxies are proxy networks that dynamically assign IP to requests of users. Usually, the IP assigned to users is changed frequently and randomly. Some change IP after every request and are known as high rotating proxies. For those that change IP after a specific period of time, they are known as session proxies.

Generally, rotating proxies are perfect for tasks that send too many requests as they help you stay anonymous without getting blocked. That’s why they are the perfect proxies for web scraping since web scrapers send too many requests within a short period of time.

Q. Are Private Proxies Good for Web Scraping?

Private proxies are used for web scraping. But if what you’re after are efficiency and effectiveness, then you’re better off not using private proxies. This is because for you to make use of them for web scraping, you will need a bunch of them and then take care of IP rotation yourself.

Managing proxies isn’t something easy and will reduce your efficiency. It is for this reason that we recommend rotating proxies. Leave IP rotation to proxy providers to handle. They do it better and with millions of IPs in their pool, you get more unique IPs than you can possibly buy.

Q. Are Rotating Proxies Good for Session Management?

When your IP changes, you get a new session. This is good for some tasks and not good for others. One of the use scenarios where rotating proxies shouldn’t be used is when you want to maintain sessions. This is because changing IP address too frequently reveals you right away as not just someone using proxies but also spam. And you’ll most likely be blocked. The only rotating proxies that should be used are session proxies. The ones that maintain IP and by extension, session for a period of time before switching.


Web scraping no doubt is one of the major methods through which one can collect data from the Internet. However, it is important you know that web scraping is not possible without proxies. And so far, rotating proxies are the best proxies for that. The above are some of the best rotating proxies for web scraping.